Director: Fenlon Lamb

Music: Engelbert Humperdinck
Libretto: Adelheid Wetter
Original Production
November 2017 - UMKC Conservatory of Music & Dance
Additional Production dates
July 2018 - Bar Harbor Music Festival
December 2018 - Palm Beach Opera
October 2021 - Amarillo Opera
Jefferson Ridenour - Scenic Designer
Maureen Thomas - Costume Designer
Kris Kirkwood - Projection Designer
Brian B Moore - Lighting Designer
David Stern - Conductor
Maria Vasilevskaya - Hänsel
Patricia Westley - Gretel
Cara Collins - Mother/Witch
Ted Allen Pickle - Father
Emily Blair - Sandman
Emily Helenbrook - Dew Fairy
Director's Note
This production is brought to you by the mother of invention, AKA necessity, by way of
some child’s play, inventive imaginings and a whole lot of collaboration. When
presented with the challenge of creating a season without full theater department
support and some belt-tightening in the land of budgets, I was overwhelmed with the
prospect. After much thought and several creative conversations with my artistic partner
and set designer, Jefferson Ridenour, the opportunities became clear. A traditional
production with the twist of every element in paper was our answer; sets, costumes,
props ALL built with this quirky and imaginative medium to simplify installation and cut
material costs.
No matter the limitations, I wanted to be certain to maintain the epic atmosphere
of opera. Finding the intimacy that exists in a familiar material such as paper was an
exciting counterpoint. Papermoon’s designers have embraced this concept and created
an incredible world within which our singers can play and discover their characters. As
we’ve all explored this seemingly flat world, the dimensionality of the human
experience and the differing textures of shared memories have continued to come to
light. The idea that simple child’s play is the gateway to learning more about ourselves.
Delving into complexities of emotion and expression, coupled with an immense amount
of inspired and collaborative ideas from costume, lighting and projection designers
have made this project less of a challenge and more joy-filled than I thought possible.
We invite you to come play with us and discover those depths of human nature, both
sweet and sour, that are buried deep within this familiar fairy tale. Wander through the
paper woods to take a closer look at the magic we create every day, and the way opera
touches our hearts and frees our minds. Let yourself play, create, imagine and indulge
in this production. Enjoy your time in the hallowed halls of the theater and be swept
away into that child-like place where wonder and imagination create an escape from the
weary world.
"When looking at photos from the production, you may be inclined to ask, “Which parts are paper?” It might be more practical, however, to ask, “Which parts are not paper?” The answer is much shorter – a tribute to how completely the team committed to their concept. Crafting an opera almost entirely out of paper required lots of hard work and innovation, but also created some fun moments for the team...Because, as Lamb puts it, being an artist is all about challenging both yourself and the industry."
-Lindsey Mayfield, Encore Magazine