"Many, no doubt, realized they had just witnessed the best performance of the centuries’ old masterpiece they had ever seen. There is something that simply “feels right” about the entire vibrant production. . . Stephanie Havey directs the entire production in a manner that allows for no weak spots. The period costumes are delightful, as are the wigs, make-up, set designs, lighting – everything comes together as a well planned, well rehearsed, perfectly grouped ensemble, full of excellent individual accomplishments. . . As the comical pair of Dr. Bartolo and Marcellina, Ricardo Lugo and Helene Schneiderman were other singers making their local debuts. Both had the voices and comedic acting skills the roles require, and a bit more to make them shine brighter than usual. . .
So if you think you’ve heard all there is to hear in Le Nozze di Figaro, you’d be doing yourself a favor by not missing this top-notch production."