"Another singer that has thrilled DMMO audiences on many occasions, Sara Gartland has returned to deliver a stunning turn as sister Rose. Her gleaming lyric soprano has ample weight and a well-schooled technique to enable her to envelop the rangy demands of the writing in a secure blanket of creamy, evenly produced singing from top to bottom and back again. Laser-focused thrills in the upper reaches? Check. Sizzling statements in chest voice? Check. Ravishing coloration? Arching outpourings? Giddy prankishness? Check, check, check. The sisterly duets between Quagliata and Gartland were among the show’s high points, of which there are many. . . Director Kristine McIntyre once again exceeded her own high bar. Her overall success at drawing such uniformly detailed, internalized and deeply personal performances from her cast speaks volumes to the depth of her talent. Ms. McIntyre also has a keen eye for stage pictures and the practical use of this particular space, Simpson College’s Pote Theatre. She knows the idiosyncrasies of the theatre well and makes efficient and varied use of its trap door, thrust, and adjoining proscenium stage."
A THOUSAND ACRES by Kristin Kuster and Mark Campbell Makes a Stunning World Premiere at Des Moines Metro Opera ". . .director Kristine McIntyre, who has become a staple of the company and has found different ways of pushing stories and the art form in general forward each time. A THOUSAND ACRES is no different for her. . . Some of my favorite moments come in the scenes she shares with Sara Gartland, who is returning for another summer with DMMO. Gartland's beautiful soprano voice and Quagliata's stunning mezzo make for some of my favorite musical moments of the night. The journey of Gartland's character is a very emotional, as she faces a cancer diagnosis, gets to celebrate her recovery, then has the heartache of not only losing her spouse but having to identify the body. Both actresses tackle the emotional weight of the show with excellence and make it one you won't soon forget." – Broadway World