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In Review: Hawk, Geter, and Howard impress with COT's "Quamino's Map"

“…Hawk, who lights up the role of Amelia with her strong, radiant soprano voice. . . Stage director Kimille Howard makes the most of this fast-paced story, maintaining a sense of continuity and nicely energizing the ensemble scenes, especially those in London’s red-light district. . . Geter’s resonant, sure voice serves the role of Quamino well” – Chicago Sun Times

"The clear standout in the cast was Damien Geter, making his company debut as Quamino. The towering singer—who is also a composer—owned every scene he was in and elevated the libretto’s mundane dramaturgy almost single-handedly. Geter sang with a rich and imposing bass-baritone, and delivered the most well-rounded characterization as Juba’s loyal friend. Acting and moving with natural ease and dignity, he conveyed the essence of Quamino’s character, a mapmaker and indentured ex-slave who has come to terms with carving out his life in a racist class system his own way. . . As Juba’s high-born beloved Amelia, Flora Hawk also made an impressive COT debut, displaying a pleasing light soprano and charming stage presence. . .

Director Kimille Howard kept the action moving efficiently through several scene changes in the unbroken 90 minutes." Chicago Classical Review


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